OUST aims to be as independent an organisation as possible. We intend to design, build and operate as much of our own equipment and facilities as possible, both on Earth and in space. On that basis we are not looking to establish long term business relationships with other companies. However, at the moment and for some time, we may need to purchase certain materials and equipment useful for the development and operation of our space craft. We will probably source these technologies and services ourselves as we need them. Any businesses who believe they may have a product or service, particularly useful for OUST is welcome to tell us about it and discuss it with us. Please contact OUST in this instance at the following address:
Although OUST aims to be a highly independent organisation, this does not mean we wish to be isolationist in any way. We encourage comment and discussion of OUST activities and intend to organise forums for such debate for members and sponsors in particular. On the question of sponsorship, OUST does accept donations and sponsorship from outside parties, however, we never reveal the details of these to any third party, nor do we place sponsors advertising material on any of our products or media presentations. Sponsors are free to tell others themselves about their OUST sponsorship.
Some of the software and other technology developed by OUST will be made available for general use via the internet. This will generally be as freeware with some proviso that any corporate or large-scale use of it may attract a royalty fee. Similarly, most advice and consulting done by OUST to other engineering and science organisations will generally be for free. There are though a few areas in which OUST may consider contracting on a more formal basis, for example specific applications of OUST software in medical research or environmental studies. The OUST side of such a contract may consist more of teaching personnel in the partner organisation advanced use of OUST technology than providing complete solutions, but we are open to offers in this area.